Pupil Premium
Higher Bebington Junior School
Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant is funding allocated to schools for the specific purpose of boosting the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. Funding is based on children who have registered for a free school meal at any point in the last 6 years, children who are in care or adopted, and children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.
At Higher Bebington Junior School we aim to provide inspiring, creative, and collaborative learning opportunities where all children are encouraged to reach their full potential. We are committed to providing the highest quality education for all children regardless of background or barrier to learning, in every aspect of school life.
Government guidance on Pupil Premium spending recommends a longer-term approach to planning how to use the grant- for example over a 3 year period with the inline statement updated annually. A 3-year strategy approach allows the school to plan our spending more carefully including recruitment and staff development and have the greatest impact on our disadvantaged pupils.
Please see below for our Premium Strategy and our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2020-2023 and a review of the 2019-2020 Strategy Statement.